Saturday, January 19, 2008

Rexburg Temple by Night

We just thought that for those of you who have not seen the Rexburg Temple yet, that we would take a picture and post it. It sits up on the hill just south of the BYUI campus. Its a pretty cool location since you can basically see it anywhere in the Snake River valley. Don't be fooled by its size though, it is technically a small temple.


leigh said...

hey guys, that's a really cool picture.

Also we had a small birthday party for me last night and I wished you guys could have come:(

molly said...

hey! just wanted to say hi. i got your blog off of leighs. don't know if you remember me, i'm married to matt elmer. check out my blogs. i have two. oh and i had no idea you were pregnant! congrats!

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

i love the blog... happy last month of being prego