Monday, August 10, 2009

Brother/Sister Love

So Ryan is a very loving big sister. She loves to hold Owen (especially if it is to show off how cute she is being to anybody in the room), She loves to take Owen's pacifier out just so she can put it back in, she loves to console him by patting him on the back (sometimes more agressive than necessary), and she has recently started juicing Owen, yes juicing him. She even says "ju, ju" when she is doing it, thanks to Sam and Luke for teaching her (or not). She is going to grow up thinking juicing is a common thing that everybody knows about, since you all are wondering what the heck juicing a person is you know how very wrong she will be. Owen loves his sister and smiles when he hears her and crys when she crys, tender, I know.


Annie said...

Oh my gosh. I was laughing WAAAAY too hard reading this post. I can't believe she picked that up! You should sue Sam and Luke. I'll be your attorney. Wow....