On Ryans birthday she woke up to one of her presents...
A toy kitchen! Compliments of Grandma (and Will spending near 2hrs putting it together). She was so excited and set off opening all of the doors saying "where food? where food?" So I let her open another present...
As anybody who knows Ryan knows, food is very important to her and loved dearly by her. She proceeded to play most of the morning with her food and didn't even ask to watch Harry Potter. Believe me that is a first. When Will got home from work we played with balloons then went out for Ryan's favorite food, Chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce and chocolate milk. After dinner we took the celebration over to the Guys house.
No idea where she gets that look from :)
Jack's laughing because Ryan tried to give him a kiss with a face all covered in frosting
Good thing we have the guys so close by to help unwrap presents