Friday, October 31, 2008

Killer Robot Baby

Ryan won the costume contest!!!!


she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

Well deserved...

Sam said...

I don't remember her winning... that is only because you left early. Her costume was hilarious and I was amazed that she even wore it. Nice work!

leigh said...

I love it!

Teacher Dess said...

costume very creative ... luv it ..

Michelle said...

Darn right she won the contest! She is so cute!!!

will, jess, gabbie, kensie, cambrie... said...

i am glad that she won...i did not know she won, my will kept saying that someone else won but, she deserved it and put up with alot. go ryan!

Jamie said...

Very nice! I love the arms and the lights.

Angela said...

Nicely done Will!!!

And Ryan is awsome for wearing it!

Peggy said...

Ryan just doesn't seem to be phased bythe craziness of her dad.