Friday, March 21, 2008

Better UConn than Duke

It is no secret that UConn is my number one least favorite college basketball team of all time. This is a disdain that started back in 1999 when UConn and Duke met in the championship game. During a pregame interview UConn player Khalid El-Amin was asked how their team was ever going to defend the Bluedevils. Khalid's reply was "You should be asking how they are going to defend me!" with all the cockiness in the world. The rest of the interview I can't recall because his english was quite improper and very hard to follow. Yes UConn ended up winning that game in the final seconds by three points, which should be impresive since I truly believe that Duke team was one of the top three they have had in the 18 years I have been watching. Since that game I have noticed a trend with UConn superstars...they are all extremely cocky and don't give proper respect to other superstars in the nation...and most of them give unintelligble interview responses. I place blame on Jim Calhoun for not believing it to be important enough to teach these boys to have some respect. Okay my original point was just going to be that I hope the UConn loss will take most of the attention away from Duke's horrible showing on Thursday. Ryan fell asleep sitting next to me while watching the intense game. Here are some pics of the silly position she was sleeping in.

Love the one knee up pose

Her feet are too cute


she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

She has your feet Nicole... she looks so peaceful while she sleeps:)

polka dots said...

I like the knee up too. How cute. One sweet little girl!

Peggy said...

Nicole she is so cute but I am surprized she is not dressed in a Duke sweatshirt or onesie?? Did you get the Easter stuff I sent? We have been gone for a week and so I haven't been able to get on line for awhile...give her a hug and kiss from Grammy and Poppy!