Monday, March 3, 2008

Ryan's Dad is Amazing

So Ryan is a major sucker. All she wants to do is suck suck suck. This led to over feeding and consequently some vomitting. Time and time again we tried to get her to take a pacifier, but like her mom she is a gagger. Well tonight she started acting hungry just 30 min after I had fed her. While I was enjoying a bath Will was trying to calm Ryan. In despiration he tried the pacifier one last time and it worked! I'll be honest I am not the most excited that she needs one, I am nervous about weaning her from it in the future, but for now we are happy to have her stop crying.


Brit said...

Binkies are a girl's best friend! The weaning process may be a week from "you know where", but to have months and months of a child that comforts themself with a binky is blessed. And you can take it can't take a thumb away. I'd rather wean a binky than a thumb sucker any day!

Peggy said...

Babies need to happy it is a binkie and not a thumb! Ooooh I want to just hug her up!

Amanda said...

I love the way Nuk binki's look but all of my kids have had difficulties with them at first (gagging and what not), so I usually start them with a MAM bink (for some reason it's easier for them to take) and then once they get that down real good I switch them over. It seems like once they are hooked you can give them any brand and the'll take it gladly. Ryan looks so cute with the bink in her mouth. It just makes her look all that much smaller (the binki looks HUGE)

polka dots said...

All my kids have taken a pacifier. Thank goodness. Maybe will is like "the baby whisperer."

Karen said...

Will, could you come down to my house and teach my almost ten month old to suck on a binky. That would help me out a lot!

Ripley Family said...


Ryan is so cute!!! I got your forward, and I am still working on it. I'll post it on my blog sometime next week. How are things going??? Will looks like an awesome Dad! ( Especially since he's letting you take baths! That's awesome!!!) P.S. When it comes time to ween them off the binkies, cut little pieces of the binky off, little by little. A little bit each day. Not only will she not be able to create suction and suck on it, but eventually there won't be anything left!!! It was the only thing that worked for Zoe! Miss you girl!

Love- Alyssa